Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Days 306-307: Sydney

Flying to Sydney went fine. After the 20ish flights I've done in the last year I have the process down to a science. There's an airport train into the city that dropped me off near where my hostel was, but like almost everything in Australia the price is a bit extreme. It was something like $17 for a train shuttle that was less than 15 minutes. The hostel I was staying in had a bar right below it, and apparently on Thursday through to Sunday, past 7pm the hostel lounge gets turned into a dance club so you can't use the wifi there. Luckily a roommate even more wifi desperate than I managed to figure out the password to the locked wifi of the travel agency across the street. It was slow and unreliable, but at least it offered some form of connection from inside our room on the top floor.

The following day finally offered some sun, I went exploring town. I walked through downtown and visited the Art Gallery of New South Whales, which was just as excellent as the Victoria Gallery in Melbourne. The Botanical Gardens were right across the street, so I wandered through them up towards the harbor, walking along the water until I got to the famous opera house.

From there I checked out The Rocks, which is the old historic city center part of Sydney next to the harbor. I eventually worked my way through the downtown back to the hostel and hung out there for the evening.

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