Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 304: The Daintree Rainforest and Cape Tribulation

I left most of my things in the hostel and got on a bus in the morning for a 2 day trip westward to visit the Daintree Rainforest. It was raining, but not too hard, and I had no intention of spending all my time sitting in Cairns waiting for the rain to pass. We stopped in the forest to do a walk around inside for maybe an hour, getting many of the plants and creatures pointed out by our guide. The area is the native habitat of the rather bizarre cassowary, which is a bit like an ostrich with a blue neck, but they are fairly rare and we didn't encounter any.

We also did a Daintree river cruise which was for the supposed purpose of spotting crocodiles, but with all the rain the crocodiles were hiding. We did at least get a deep education of mangrove trees! Eventually we got to our home for the night on Cape Tribulation. It was still pouring rain, and other than a short peek out at the beach there wasn't much to do. We were staying in cabins out in the jungle, but down the path closer to the beach was a giant tent that served as the bar/restaurant/common area. The prices were still expensive here, but the portions were impressive and the food was fantastic. In the end a group of us spent most of the evening playing cards and a game of monopoly (which I won, in spite of girls being cheaters).

Also, pictures apparently don't work and keep coming up as all scrambled. I'll try again later, but I'm so far behind on posts now that I need to start putting things up or I'll just give up entirely. Hopefully I'll get pictures working again at the next stop.

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