Friday, November 23, 2012

Days 235-236: Rocky Road

In the morning after my trek I was still unable to eat or drink. I was getting a bit nervous at this point, because I'd lost a lot of water through vomitting and diarrhea and wasn't able to keep any replenishing liquids down. I extended my room for another day and found a local pharmacy to get a bunch of medication. In the end they recommended 3 sets of pills and some packages of salts you mix with water to make gatorade-like drinks for dehydration. All that cost about $3 total, so I just took everything. Back in my room I researched what I'd bought since I'm paranoid like that, and threw out one of the pills on the spot as it's supposed to be prescription only, and had way more risks than benefits associated with it, especially for what my problems were. The salt drink was terrible, but after popping the other pills I found I could keep liquids down if I sipped small amounts every 15 minutes or so. I mixed the salt drink with some mixed fruit juice I'd bought and worked my way through a few glasses of that throughout the day. By the evening I was still feeling quite weak but hadn't thrown up anymore, so I went ahead and booked a new bus ticket for the morning.

The bus ride to Kathmandu was actually smoother than I expected. It was a bit faster than expected, and while the road is narrow and high up in places it wasn't as bad as some of the other rides I'd expecienced over the last few months. I had bought some granola bars in Pokhara which had been my only food since I was trekking, and even though I still wasn't feeling at all hungry I was getting pretty weak. When I got into Kathmandu I gave in for once and got a taxi to my hostel and stayed in resting for the afternoon. I finally went out for dinner with a few of the other people in my room and had a vegetarian thali, which was my first real meal in something like 60 hours.

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