Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 239: Kathmandu to Bangkok

I had another early flight out of Kathmandu, but the airport wasn't as far away as it is in many cities. I got a taxi around 5am and put it to the airport with plenty of time to spare. The Kathmandu airport is much smaller and less developed than any of the other airports I've used so far, but the check-in process went smoothly and my first flight to Delhi for a layover went fine. In Delhi I had a 3 hour wait for my next flight and got some lunch in the airport, then it was off once again on a flight to Bangkok.

With all the time zone changes it was already evening when I got into Bangkok. I took the airport train into the city and then switched to the skytrain to get to the area my hostel was in. It was a bit tucked away, but a really nice and modern hostel. Although my stomach was feeling much better now, I was still feeling pretty worn out and planned to just take the first few days in Bangkok easy.

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