Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 217: Group Dynamics

The hotel where I was meeting my new tour group was in the same general area as the one I was staying in on my own, so I shouldered my bags and decided to walk to it. It wasn't too hard to find, especially with (paid) assistance from one of the shoe shiners, and the most interesting part of the journey was an utterly naked man strolling casually down the center of 4 lanes of traffic along the way. Oh India.

The group meeting was pretty early in the day, so I hung out in my room until then. Each group I join has its own personality. In China were were a pretty active, adventurous lot with even the older people being quite physical. The group in India consisted of 3 couples, me, and 8 other females - and if there was one recurring theme through the trip it was shopping. The happy coincidence that I was the only single male on the tour meant that I had a private room to myself the entire trip, which was an unexpected perk. Our well-moustached local running the tour goes by Harsh for short, and was something of a character.

After getting through the paperwork and chatting a bit we had a short rest then went by metro to Connaught Place, which is a large circular shopping plaza in New Delhi. After I just did some looking around the bazaars near our hotel before a group dinner.

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