Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Random aside post.

Many countries, in addition to normal police and security have special formal guards to guard parliament/royalty/papacy/other important people and places. Anybody who has been to Ottawa has probably seen the stationary guards. As I've been travelling through Europe, I've been to a lot of capitals and castles, and come across a lot of guards. I've watched bits of at least 4 or 5 changing of the guard ceremonies, and I find all the different uniforms interesting. Personally, I'd hate this job. I don't even know if they provide any actual security or are mostly just there for show, and spending all day standing still without moving for show seems very dull indeed. Here is the collection of guards I've seen and remembered to take pictures of!


Vatican City





Czech Republic





Jess said...

I love all the uniforms! Make sure you're allowed to take pictures of the guards in all the countries - they didn't look too kindly on it in Morocco, for example.

iphynx said...

Yeah, I only take pictures if there are others doing it and the guards don't seem to care. They all seem pretty used to it.

Paul said...

Easily one of my favourite of your posts. This one was awesome!