Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 131: Bringing Rain

It was raining, rather hard, for most of the morning. I met up with Nick, who I met in Ireland, and after getting soaked looking for a restaurant we ate at some mediocre italian place and caught up a bit. When I got my things and got to the train station it was starting to clear up, and the train ride to Hamburg was quite pleasant. Just as I got off the train, however, the clouds rolled in and it started to rain there as well.

My hostel is a new one, and the facilities are quite nice but it is in a really horrible location. It's near a metro station, so it's not really that bad, but most of the buildings around look like factories or rented offices, and there's nothing like convience stores or restaurants anywhere remotely close. I mostly just stayed in this evening since it was already fairly late by the time I got settled in, and I'll just head out early tomorrow and see as much as I can. I still have two full days here, and I think that should be lots of time to explore the city.

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