Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 138: Nothing To Say

Very quick one. I've made it to my hostel in Stockholm. It was a fairly long train ride, and I underestimated the distance from the station to the hostel and walked what I really should have taken a bus for. I believe this replaces somewhere around Loch Ness in Scotland as the furthest north I've ever been.

I didn't really take any pictures, since it's not terribly fun when I have my bags. I'm planning to just stay in this evening and plan out what I want to do. Depending on how much I get through tomorrow I can either stay another day in the city exploring or, since I still have a few days of travel on my train pass, take a train somewhere for a day trip.

I must say though, even though things cost a bit more, the Scandanavian hostels seem to be pretty top notch in general. I don't mind paying a bit more for accomodations if the quality is good, it's just paying so much more for food that really bothers me.


Jess said...

You probably have already heard of this, but the Stockholm subway system is a giant art gallery that you can see for the price of a subway fare.

iphynx said...

I didn't know that. Unfortunately, with only 2 days in Stockholm I'm not sure I'll have time to explore the subway stations all that thoroughly.