Monday, April 15, 2013

Internet Problems

As I'm sure you've noticed there has been a distinct dropoff in the number of posts I've put up lately. Turns out Bolivia isn't a very internet-friendly country, and it's been hard to find internet at all. Internet that is fast enough to let me upload pictures is even more challenging. I'll try to finish my record of events, but I'm suspecting it won't be until I get home in 2 weeks. Until then you'll just have to trust that I've gotten pretty good at staying alive by this point, and chances are I'm totally fine!


Angry said...

You never completed the blog. I am left unsatisfied.

MrMcKitten said...

What happened? Did something bad happen in Bolivia? Hope you are ok!

Steve said...

What happened? Please let me know! I check back periodically, but no dice as yet :/