Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 358: St. Patrick's Day

My St. Patrick's Day in Las Vegas actually turned out to be pretty tame. Travelling by myself in Las Vegas meant that I wasn't willing (or even all that interested) in partying too hard, and it became one of those situations where when everybody is more drunk than you they just seem obnoxious and annoying, and not really all that fun. A good number of the people in Las Vegas are obnoxious and annoying at the best of times, but the St. Patrick's Day festivities just made things worse. I did have a nice lunch buffet at one of the casinos with a Welsh guy staying at my hostel, and through the afternoon and evening I did have a fair number of drinks, but not with the unrestrained abandon of most of the other tourists around. I spent the evening away from the big casinos hanging out around Freemont, and the best part of the day was all the live music and street performers the large crowds brought out.

I didn't stay out all that late, partly for the above reasons and partly because I had to get up about 5:30am the next morning for my final big activity.

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