Friday, October 26, 2012

Notice: On Catching Up

Unfortunately I haven't done very well at getting caught up on my blog posts from China. I had some persistent stomach problems when I got back to Hong Kong, and just didn't have the energy to knock out all the posts like I had hoped. Now I'm in India, and feel like I'm just going to fall even further behind trying to catch up. I can't decide if I should keep trying to get through China and just have a week lag on writing about what's actually going on right now, or if I should just start up with current posts and fill in things about China when I have time. This approach would be more convenient to write, but make a mess of reading the blog. I'll at least try to get through as much as I can later tonight when I'm done exploring for the day, and go from there, but I apologize for the mess that things might become.


Anonymous said...

Hey Richard, I wouldn't worry about the catching up on reports, they have been fabulous so far!!
Just hope you get over the 'bug' you've picked up, as I am sure we're not use to what bugs people are used to over there.
Hopefully you've got some immodium with you as I do remember it came in handy for me during my travels in China and Thailand.
All the best in your new adventures in India.


Jess said...

I'm sure we can figure it out if you post India and China at the same time. Or you could back-date the China posts.