Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day 205: Yangshou Workout

Yangshou is a fun place. The city itself is extremely touristy, with a far higher ratio of foreigners than we'd encountered anywhere else and much wider range and concentration of international restaurants and bars then anywhere else. The landscape in and around the city is one of the most famous of China, and something I've been looking forward to for my entire trip.

We had an active day outside of the city to try to see the most of the surrounding geography, beginning with a bike ride out of town and into the countryside.

We biked to a place by the river full of bamboo rafts, and spent the next couple hours getting poled down the river and over a series of small dams.

After disembarking we biked a bit more until we got to a formation called Moon Rock. Our group split up with some staying down below to relax and some of us doing a hike up to the rock. We all met up for some lunch back at the bottom.

After lunch we split up again as most of the group decided to bike back to town, but 4 of us got our guide to take us on an extended bike ride, leaving the main roads for a long detour down much less travelled back roads.

When we finally got back to town we had a few hours to ourselves, but gathered once again in the evening to go out for a night show. The show was billed as a light show, and was designed by the same person that designed the opening ceremony for the Beijing Olympics. It's a bit hard to describe, but it was series of artistic performances with dozens of performers using lights, fire, music, and careful choreography.

After the show we joined up with some of those who didn't go for some dinner before heading back to the hotel for some sleep after a long and active day.

1 comment:

Maureen said...

Wahoo to Yangshuo! It was my fave place, and the Impressions show was awesome. Sounds like the China portion of your trip was a complete success!

I hope India's just as amazing.