Monday, August 11, 2014

Days 378-379: Cusco Pt II and Puno

We had a day to relax after the hike back in Cusco before moving onward.  I'd already covered a lot of the more obvious places, so this was a bit of a relaxed day for me.  I went to a small chocolate museum, which you may remember was the second such museum of my trip.  It was interesting to see how the topic was covered differently in Peru (which was one of the early countries to grow and trade it to Europe) compared to Belgium.

There were also some protests going on in town, which became a bit of a reoccurring theme through the rest of my time in South America.  This one was entirely peaceful, but it did give a different feel to the city center.

The next day was largely travel as we took a 6 hour bus ride southeast to Puno, a city on the shore of Lake Titicaca.  We only had time to explore the city a little and we didn't really get too far beyond the main commercial area and market.

Not a terribly exciting couple of days overall, but after the hike a few quiet days were nice before a busy day exploring Titicaca.

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